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Age: 72 - Voraxian

Qualification: Best quadrant risk analyzer in the business. Good evasive navigator.
Education: No formal education. Only field experience.
Experience: 5 yrs. Scollian Space Exploration-Nav.Dept.
Strengths: Understands many different alien languages. Friendly and loyal. A quick thinker.
Weakness: Has a long history of strange behaviors and nervousness. Extremely frail individual.

"I can't manage evasive manoeuvring because of our malfunctioning retros!"
"I'm unable to change course to port. Starboard retro is not working, sir."
"Starboard course change impossible! Our port retro is broken!"
"We should not enter this quadrant of the galaxy. It is a very risky area!"
"Hold on! I'm taking evasive action!"
"I'm a little worried about my life support...I'm getting light headed... sir!"
"Please! My life support is not working properly. It's becoming very hard to manoeuvre! Please!"
"My stars! I can't believe it. We're being looted! I really did try to manoeuvre the best I could!"
"I'm so sorry! Are we all right? At least the looters have left!"
"There's a problem with engine one! Get repair to look into it please."
"Engine one is badly damaged! Sir, could you please get us some help!"
"Engine one is useless. It's blasted! I don't know how long I can maintain our current situation."
"Engine two is starting to fail, sir! Please call repair ASAP!"
"Engine two is now nonfunctional! HELP!"
"This is terrible! Engine two is completely burned out!"
"The port retro is acting up, sir. I think it's damaged!"
"Our port retro is not functional!"
"Oh!..This is terrible! Port retro is gone!"
"Oh! It looks like the starboard retro has been damaged!"
"I can't keep the starboard retro going and I can't seem to steer."
"Oh, no! Starboard retro is useless!"