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Skulard Prablyk
Age: 40 - Balnarvian

Qualification: Adept on Traplonic Detonator. Wizard on Sonic Missiles & GX75 Cannon.
Education: Philosophy, Logic & Strategic History at Balnarv Weapons Institute.
Experience: Battle cruisers, 17 yrs.
Strengths: Quick & precise. Has a wide range of body temperature tolerance. Fluent in Zabian languages.
Weakness: Sometimes gets philisophical regarding decisions and actions of others. Poor stress reaction.

"I just blasted them! I hope it will set an example for any other nasties who might be watching!"
"All firing orders have been completed."
"I took it upon myself to attack since I felt that further delay would be dangerous!"
"The cargo is being ripped off by those rotten pirates!"
"They're getting away. I just hope there is some cargo left to deliver."
"Missile system requires a lot more power to operate until it can be repaired!"
"Notify repair that the missile system is really broken!"
"The missile system has been vaporised!"
"Turn up the power to the damaged blaster! I've got to keep it working!"
"Blaster broken! Get some help, sir!"
"Blaster is star dust! It's gone!"
"Damage to the cannon! I require more power, sir!"
"Tell repair to check out the damage to the cannon. We need it!"
"The only thing the cannon is good for now is scrap metal!"
"Thermo weapon needs more energy! Sir, get repair right away!"
"Thermo weapon is on the blink! Help!"
"Thermo weapon system is history! Not a scrap left!"